Are your beliefs anchored in emotion or rooted in the Bible? I know of an individual that believed marriage was between a man and a woman. When they found out that their child was gay they changed their stance. They chose to turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the truth to accommodate their circumstance. They still could love, have a relationship, and be proud of their child, and stand for the Bible. Instead, they made the Bible null and void in their life.
Jesus loves sinners 24/7, but will never condone something He forbid. He also is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Jesus is rock solid and we can count on Him to judge justly and consistently.
Hold to your convictions
I know it can be tough to choose between a loved one and following God, I’ve been there. Remember God is the author of love and gave the ultimate love offering His son Jesus Christ. Holding to your convictions could be the difference between your loved ones coming to Christ or spending eternity without Christ. You are called to love, but love without truth is foolishness, and truth without love is cruel.
People have twisted the meaning of tolerance into something hurtful and evil. That if you don’t agree you’re against them and full of hate. They don’t allow you to have your own opinions and views if you do you’re the enemy. Respect is key which is having a high regard for an individual’s feelings and beliefs even if they are not yours. When you respect another person’s viewpoint in exchange you should get the same consideration while being permitted to have your own perspective and not being forced to change it.
God expects us to firmly stand on the truth but also to show love and compassion. We must give space and freedom to let others just be without condemnation. We are not to be bullies. Although we may not agree with someone God has allowed all of us to access air and we all get to breathe it. We must learn to speak and stand for the truth while keeping a loving heart and mind.
The world is changing
Laws are being put in place, people are doing what they deem is right in their own minds, and hearts are waxing cold. All this affects us in some form or fashion as Christians. How we choose to cope and handle these changes will determine what our walk looks like. Praying without ceasing that our command center (mind) is rooted in Christ is a must because we do not know what is ahead of us.
This is not to scare us but to make us aware and alert about the status of our hearts and what we truly believe. Change in the world is inevitable and sometimes we will get the short end of the stick. When we do we must hold tight to our God-given convictions to weather the storm.
In conclusion
There is a difference between knowing the word of God and believing the word of God. Let’s be thankful that the God of the Bible stands on His word. Pray for yourself, sisters, and brothers in Christ to have the courage to also stand on the word of God. Pray that our speech and actions are always with love, and we don’t water down the truth when faced with opposition. Be in your place to encourage others through the dark and uncertain times. The Bible must be our only authority CASM 9.
- Are there any circumstances that you allowed to change your God-given convictions?
- Repentance and God’s forgiveness are always available. 1 John 1:9
This is a great question to ponder. A result of me making the decision to govern “My Life” by the standard of God’s Word, caused me to lose a lot of relationships. Even though losing some of them hurt a lot, at the end of the day I’m reminded of the damaged I subjected myself to when I didn’t have a Godly standard. Therefore, not matter the cost, I CHOOSE GOD!!
Lisa, Praise God you choose God!!! I’m thankful that even though we have lost some relationships along the way. God has filled that void with new and wonderful relationships that are like a breath of fresh air.