Have you heard the saying insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? What comes to mind is when I go to the refrigerator and it’s nothing to eat or nothing I want and then five minutes later repeat the same process. Until I either go grocery shopping or have a change of perspective, guess what? I am going to continue to repeat that process.
Sometimes it’s as easy as going to the grocery store to solve the issue. Other times the circumstance does not change it’s you that has to change your frame of mind about the issue. It’s pivotal to change your outlook to have new opportunities presented and open to you. We often shut down opportunities before we even consider them because we don’t want to have to adjust. That usually is a controlling response. You can’t control the situation, but you can control if you will change or not.
Not willing to budge
We complain when we have nothing to do and when someone offers we say too tired, too late/early. We want to make connections but refuse to alter our schedules. Desire to lose weight but won’t get off the couch or adjust our eating. Need help and when offered give unfounded reasons to reject it. We want friends but don’t present ourselves as friendly or don’t do what it takes to maintain our friendships. Crave peaceful days but insist on pointing out everything wrong. Want rest but fill every moment with a task. In our narcissism, we shouldn’t have to do anything differently but everyone should count it an honor to accommodate us.
If you are stuck in the same negative thinking and living in the past because you are scared of the future. I can comfortably guarantee you are going to continue to get the lackluster results you always get. I am not suggesting that you try to recreate yourself that’s a huge undertaking. What I am suggesting you do is take one thing that is hindering you to prayer. Submit it to the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to transform you from the inside out and repeat that process. That’s how you break through insanity.
Fear is one of those things that just keeps popping up. It’s always lurking around the corner, hanging out looking for the right opportunity to pour it on thick. Fear keeps us from pursuing dreams and goals, but most importantly it keeps us from trusting the plan of Jesus. We must be aware because fear is crafty It works through our minds. I have had ideas and as quickly as that idea came it was squashed by fear. Fear also uses people as a vessel to sabotage your purpose and progress. It’s a difference between someone sharing information to help you make a well-informed decision to someone telling you why you shouldn’t or can’t do it.

Pride, arrogance, and ego
Pride, arrogance, and ego disrupt fellowship with God because we think our ways are better than the CREATOR’S. We exalt our thoughts, talents, and abilities above the one who gave them to us. Receiving goodly and godly advice is hard to accept because we think we already have the answers. We know what to do and how to do it, my question is, how is it working for you?

In conclusion
We must take the Bible view on fear, pride, arrogance, and ego so we can receive God’s fullness in every area of our life. Jesus cares about the big and small things that concern us. If our attitudes don’t change just as 10 years have gone by another 10 will go by without significant growth and development. Some of us live spiritually below God’s standards because we are refusing to seek and consult Him. We are also refusing to trust that His plan is the right plan.
You may be thinking to yourself I seek, consult and trust God and I’m sure you do on some level. Remember it’s your actions that are speaking for you. I certainly am including myself in this. God says go and you don’t, God says to do and you don’t. He says wait, and you don’t, He says no and you make a way to do it anyway. Sometimes it’s blatant and other times it’s subtle. Pay better attention to your actions because what’s in your heart is being put on display.
- Is there anything you need to change your mindset on?
- Does fear, pride, arrogance, and ego have rule over you?
- Pray and ask God for help with fear, pride, arrogance, and ego. Pray and ask God to help you think and do things differently so you can have more of His opportunities accessible to you.
This is so true. In order to get a different result we must change something. For me fear had been a major hindrance that kept me from progress.
In light of this week’s post, I’m going to take inventory of what’s missing and go to the “spiritual grocery store” and pick up a few items. Being sure to actually use those items to allow the desired change to occur!!
Amen Lisa, I like the “spiritual grocery store”!!!
Amen! Fear can be our steering wheel or God can be! Whether it’s big things or small things. Fear gets in the way for sure in my life in different areas and I need to be careful! I will be praying and instead of giving into pride, fear or ego praying God would show me any area I need work on! Thank you Carol! Another great post!
Ashley, I am in prayer with you praying against fear and pride!!!