Walk around the city seven times (Joshua 6), manna/food falling from the sky (Deuteronomy 8), the moving/stirring of the water (John 5), clay on the blind man’s eyes (John 9). To the human mind, these and many others in the Bible are strange things. Things that our minds can’t comprehend. Things that make no sense to the natural mind. The human mind can’t explain supernatural things.
A miracle is an extraordinary event that natural or scientific laws cannot explain. Battles are won, needs are met, and healings occur because the almighty is using things that are considered strange to mankind. Sometimes, as Christians, our thinking is carnal-minded. Those things that God is using to perform the miracles, we cancel out because we think they’re weird or unusual.
Play it back
Can you recall an event(s) or circumstance(s) when things fell into place? It was long and drawn out, and with every step, God positioned you and others in favor of you. You had no ideas, resources, or strength, but GOD! It was not by luck or the power of positive thinking (although I believe in being optimistic). God made ways when you could not see beyond your current concern. Jeremiah 33:3 is one of my favorite scriptures, call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not. Call on JESUS not yourself or anyone else. JESUS will answer you, not yourself or anyone else. JESUS will show you the inaccessible things that He can only access, not yourself or anyone else.
God is always working on our behalf, but we have to choose to see Him with our hearts by faith. Golden nuggets are those things that God does specifically for you. They may seem small or insignificant to someone else, but they’re profound and they catapult you to higher ground. Play those times back in your mind so you will be reminded of the great things God has done. Many people stop calling on Jesus after salvation, and unfortunately, can’t testify of the great and mighty things. God said he would do it, so be obedient and call on Him according to His will.
In conclusion
God told us to come boldly to His throne. Sometimes, we live in fear, doubt, unworthiness, pride, guilt, and other sins that prevent us from approaching. We must confess and repent (1 John 1:9) to access the inaccessible. Allow God to amaze you with His unlimited ideas, resources, and strength. God does not do strange things; He does miracles, and He wants His children to be able to testify of them.
- Recall an event/circumstance and the steps God took you through to be victorious.
- Be intentional in counting your blessings. Praise and worship the who which is Jesus, not the how.
Amen and Praise God for allowing God to use you to open our minds and hearts to explore ourselves deeper ♥️ This year has been filled with miracles ✨️ only God himself could have performed. I pray that God continues to use me and show me how to be a better person daily through prayer and faith. Thank you for helping me with this outlet, it has ministered to me greatly!
I am so blessed and encouraged by your commitment to Jesus! I look forward with great expectancy on how Jesus continues to blow your mind with His provision!!!
I so needed ALL of this!
Thank you for coming back on and writing what the Lord puts on your heart. I really like that Jeremiah verse! I probably read it many times. But you really shared it in a great reminder/way.
And the golden nuggets! Love that!
Always enjoy your posts! He is using you.
As always thank you for your support and comments! Quoting the scriptures back always redirects my focus back to Jesus and off of myself. I appreciate you very much!!!