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Little is much (CASM 63)

Have you ever desired to do great and grand things for the Lord? Things that are elaborate and mind-blowing. Amazing things that people would attach your name to. Unfortunately, most of us aren’t doing the little things God has asked us to do for years. Little is much in God’s plan for our lives and the lives of others.

I know for me, sometimes it’s the little things that trip me up. I overlook those things as trivial, minor, or not as glamorous. It’s important to note that little things can turn into sin and disobedience to the Lord. Use wisdom and discernment before dismissing it as not a big thing. In my journey, God never let me move past those little things. They were molding and shaping me into the Christian I needed to become. This was essential to carry out the big things He was preparing me for. Generally speaking, God will not put us in positions of leadership when we are not implementing things of God in our own lives. When I am stuck or stagnant in life I take inventory of myself. This helps me to see if I am avoiding something the Lord has told me to do. I have experienced little is much in my own life when I have yielded and pivoted back into the direction of the Lord.

This is where we must be objective and face those little things we sweep under the rug. Get out of our feelings face the truth of the Bible and do business with the Lord. As I write, I am feeling the conviction. It’s admirable to say what you would do for God if you had a million dollars. The question is, what are you doing with what you have? It’s inspiring to want to go to the other side of the country or even internationally to aid in a catastrophe or preach the Gospel. How are you helping your local family, friends, community, and church? That stings a little bit for me. The grandeur to pray in front of an arena full of people and share the good news about Jesus. But are we praying for the person who cut us off on the highway, that’s questionable. Let’s take that last one a little further. A few unclean hand gestures and colorful words, oh my! This is a small sampling of little things, not an exhaustive list.

The Word of God is our judge. Use it to see how you measure up in your love walk with the people who live in your home, your co-workers, your physical neighbors, the cashier, waiter/waitress, etc. Allow the Holy Spirit to help you better understand those situations before you attempt to conquer the world. Little is much, and that works both for blessing and for sin.

In conclusion

We are not the world’s Savior and will never be. God is not asking us to attempt to be. He’s asking us to call on Him in willing obedience. We should do what is written in the Bible and do things specific to our walks with Christ. Sometimes in our zealousness to greatly serve, we become overwhelmed and do nothing. We rely on our ability and resources and quickly abandon the ship. We squander away opportunities to be servants because of a lack of commitment, education, insecurities, ego, etc.

Sometimes all it takes to break through a hard heart and point someone to Jesus is a smile or a hello. If God is in it that’s all the power that is needed. Don’t minimize the little things. You may not in this lifetime know the lives you have changed with your obedience to God. However, those individuals are grateful because they will be in Heaven for all eternity. That’s what I mean about little is much.


  • Are there any “little things” you have been putting off or sweeping under the rug?
  • How have they hindered your spiritual growth?
  • How quickly do you pivot when prompted by the Holy Spirit?
  • Recall an event in your life when little became much.
  • How do you view your service?

4 thoughts on “Little is much (CASM 63)

  1. Michelle Cooper says:

    Good morning, your blog has allowed me to look at myself and my Christian journey more closely and how I can Pivot more effectively thank you for opening my eyes to how God can better use me more effectively.

    1. Michelle,

      That’s what it is all about. Allowing God to use us for His glory and it’s for our good. Praying for us as we remain faithful on our journey with Christ!!!

  2. Wow. Very powerful! I feel this in being a stay at home mom. Sometimes I feel I am doing so little. But these children are in my hands and the Lord has entrusted them to me! The little time I have with them! You’re right. Seems small. But really has a huge impact! Thanks for that great reminder. Also I love the simple smile example. Some of the first few people that took part in my salvation almost 15 years ago, were those people! They allowed the Lord to use them. Love you friend. Taking this into my week too.

    1. Ashley,

      Praise the Lord for instilling Jesus into the kiddos, that is HUGE!!! Being a parent is a tough job, but I am so thankful that you honor Jesus in it!!! I am so thankful that 15 years ago people smiled at you!!!

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