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Flawed thinking (CASM 60)

When I did something for Christ I would automatically expect something bad to happen. In my flawed thinking, subconsciously I thought to avoid the bad, I won’t do anything for Christ. The Holy Spirit reminded me of John 16:33 that there will be tribulation because unfortunately, we live in a fallen world. A world that loves darkness but through Christ, we can have peace because He already conquered the world. Let us always remember, Jesus Christ who was and is perfect and completely sinless and did only good was murdered. He was brutally attacked and crucified. Why did He risk it all? Love. The love for God and the love for us.

I won’t do anything for Christ

Most of us will not verbalize that statement but through our actions, we show that to ourselves and others. We won’t give out a Gospel tract or come alongside someone when prompted by the Holy Spirit to talk about Jesus. Some of us take the Lord’s name in vain, and that’s a shame and disgrace to the Savior and His work on the cross, as well as to fellow Christians. After salvation, we stop allowing God to further transform us into His image and set us apart for His use. People can’t distinguish if we’re Christian because our words and conduct are borderline. In our flawed thinking and high estimation of ourselves, we think we can have one foot in the world and the other staggering on Jesus. We already know that half obedience is full disobedience to Christ.

For most of us, we will not have to give our lives for someone or endure severe persecution. God is asking the bare minimum of us. He is asking us to love Him by keeping His commandments and sharing with others how to have eternal life through Jesus Christ. Has God asked you to do something and through your actions, you said no?

Everyone will not like you

What we do for Christ is not always popular with the world, and it can sometimes be lonely. The people that you think will stand with you are the people that are criticizing and mocking you. They are the ones with flawed thinking, guilt, and shame targeting you to avoid confronting their sin. By the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells in you, wholeheartedly pray for them. Pray that they will do business with the Lord and that their hearts will be softened. God’s vision will become their vision and they become soldiers in God’s army.

It can be shocking and disappointing that the people you think will support you don’t. I go right back to the horrific encounter Jesus had to endure. Seeing all those people in the crowd and many of them He healed, fed, blessed yelling crucify Him. I am humbled and encouraged by that. I’m truly thankful for the new people God has put in my life. Those people that are laser-focused, striving daily to do the things that are pleasing to the Lord.

In conclusion

Flawed thinking can be like a horrible disease that ravishes our bodies. We often forfeit a significant portion of our lives to thinking that is contrary to the Lord. As always, the Bible must be the standard by which we choose to live our life. I can testify that acting on my thoughts without consulting the Lord caused unnecessary stumbling blocks in my life. But just as I chose to not consult Him, I can choose to consult Him.

I highly recommend finding scriptures to cancel out flawed thinking. If you are struggling to believe that Jesus loves you, study the scriptures on love. If you are fearful study scriptures on fear. The devil thrives when you are confused and unsure. He’s content when you are sad and in the pit not calling on Jesus. Our father is God Almighty, who has given all power to Jesus Christ, that is who we serve, honor, and listen to.


  • What is the temperature of your commitment to Jesus Christ?
  • Are you saying yes to the Lord in word and action?
  • Is there an area where you have flawed thinking and it’s keeping you from believing and going forward for the Lord?
  • Sincerely pray for others and yourself.
  • Bible challenge – Look up scriptures on loving your enemies.
  • What does the cross mean to you? Be specific and make it personal.
  • Is the Bible your standard?
  • Comment, share, and subscribe.

2 thoughts on “Flawed thinking (CASM 60)

  1. This is great. I can’t begin to count the times or the ways flawed thinking has kept me from doing a lot of things. I truly am grateful for a loving God, through Jesus Christ, who will stay by my side until I get my thinking on tract! That’s love!!

    Your continual blogs are a great demonstration of your love for God and His love for you! Thank you for being a model for Christ!

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