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Do you trust an elevator more than Jesus? (CASM 66)

Not too long ago, I was stuck in an elevator. It was concerning when the elevator stopped and an automated voice said “Elevator out of service”. Fortunately, it stopped on a floor and a gentleman manually opened the door and we all rushed out of it. A few days later, guess who got back on the elevator? ME. No questions asked, no hesitation, no murmuring and complaining. I was calm and willing to get on the elevator. At that moment, I asked myself, do you trust an elevator more than Jesus? The elevator could plummet to the ground. It could get stuck again and maybe in between floors. Panic attacks, screaming, crying, and other reactions could become a reality. None of that stopped me from happily getting on the elevator.

I’m not proud to admit that I have questioned the Giver of life. I have challenged the one who created and made me in His image. I have said no to Jesus. Instead of being still and resting in His sovereign plan, I hurled false accusations at him. You don’t love me or care about what I am going through. I have rebelled, and at times openly disobeyed the Lord. Praise God, after all my foolishness, His love never wavers.

We can bombard God with questions of how, when, why, who, and what and still not go forward for Him. But, we won’t think twice about getting on a flawed man-made elevator. We also don’t hesitate to get in a car surrounded by hundreds of other drivers. If you cook, you trust your stove won’t blow up when you turn it on. How about relying on your health, money, education/intelligence, or a relationship? Instead of interrogating God, ask yourself, do you trust the Creator more than the creation?

I realize life is a mixture of highs and lows. There will be times when we have clarity and other times we don’t understand. Regardless of the stage of life, God is our source. We must be intentional about making Jesus and His ways our focus. Praise on the mountaintop and praise in the valley.

Do you trust an elevator more than Jesus? It may not be an elevator. Are you leaning on something outside of Jesus, hoping it will not fail you? God wants to hear from us. He tells us to call on Him, even when we don’t understand. He can handle us and is not surprised by us. Remember, He is the Almighty and is to be respected. He is our Heavenly Father and He loves us.

  • I recommend reading Deuteronomy 8. It’s a great reminder not to forget how God provides.
  • Do you trust and love the creation more than the Creator?
  • Pray and ask the Lord to revive the scriptures within you. Offer a fresh vision of familiar scriptures. Study and learn new scriptures.

4 thoughts on “Do you trust an elevator more than Jesus? (CASM 66)

  1. Michelle Cooper says:

    Thanks again for your insight and reminder to trust in Our Creator!. I look forward to your blog and will search within myself for more clarity and closer relationship with God. Thank you 😊 I love you my dear sister Carol.

  2. This is good!! Seriously!! Thanks for writing this and sharing your heart Carol! You’re really a blessing!
    This Sort of goes along with a few things I personally have been dealing with in my life. It’s so easy to get our focus off Him!
    Needed that reminder and even your example was so good.
    Love you!

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