Flawed thinking (CASM 60)
When I did something for Christ I would automatically expect something bad to happen. In my flawed thinking, subconsciously I thought to avoid the bad, I won’t do anything for
Bruised, but God can still use
When I did something for Christ I would automatically expect something bad to happen. In my flawed thinking, subconsciously I thought to avoid the bad, I won’t do anything for
When we say I’m doing this or that for God’s glory or God to be glorified, we have a preconceived idea of what that means or looks like. It could
Do the words that come out of your mouth reflect what is in your heart? Some people take the Lord’s name in vain. When they get that look of disapproval
Have you heard the saying insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? What comes to mind is when I go to the refrigerator
Are your beliefs anchored in emotion or rooted in the Bible? I know of an individual that believed marriage was between a man and a woman. When they found out
The mind is the command center and it brings forth the meditation of our hearts. It’s where thoughts are examined, pondered, and given life. I don’t believe we grasp the
Do you notice when you’re lonely, bored, feeling not needed old relationships or items tend to recycle back into your life? Maybe for a moment, you think it’s a good