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Preparing for a better future (CASM 21)

A lot of us do not set ourselves up for a better future. Living in the moment is not the best idea when a major car or home malfunction arises and you have no money. Those unexpected emergencies put a halt to everything because we didn’t think ahead. We spend every extra penny, and when disaster strikes our only option is to borrow from friends and family.

Where does the money go

This is the time to look at those receipts and see what you spend your money on. Is it hair and nail appointments? Maybe that daily specialty coffee from your favorite coffee shop? Dining out for lunch and dinner. How about that hobby? Making purchases just because something is on sale, but don’t actually need it. Do you have to have the latest and greatest? Money goes everywhere except into a savings account and a life insurance policy.

Of course, treating ourselves on occasion is wonderful, but not at the expense of our responsibilities suffering. The Lord has bestowed on us many amazing blessings, and we should not take them for granted. God is not our genie in a bottle that we can misuse these blessings and think that He is obligated to replace them.

Savings account and life insurance

I realize everyone’s financial situation is different, and you know if you are being a good steward with your finances. We have no control when something decides to break down and needs repair or replacement. Setting money aside helps relieve stress and provides comfort knowing you can pay for these inconveniences. Putting money into a savings account and committing to not touching it unless it’s a true emergency is vital. What constitutes a true emergency? Major car or home repair, medical issues, potentially helping someone if the Lord leads. Use discernment in acknowledging what truly is an emergency and frivolous spending. Don’t use it for shopping, vacations, Christmas, or treating yourself, budget for those items.

Death happens and it’s something we all have to deal with. Life insurance or money set aside will ensure your end-of-life request are fulfilled. Start now if you haven’t to add money to a separate account or look into an insurance policy. Another option is to pay for your burial or cremation services in advance. Be sure to talk to your family about your last wishes, so it is not a shock or surprise to them. Don’t leave this burden to your family to try and figure out they have their own end-of-life to prepare for.

Here and now

Preparing is not only for the future it’s for the here and now. Life can change instantly, do you have your necessities? Do you wait until things get low or completely depleted before replacing them? Like your gas tank. Do you make lists so you can keep track of items you need or things to do? Are you an impulse shopper? Implementing good practices will make your path smoother, and life a lot more enjoyable.

In conclusion

Make preparing for the future and handling business a priority and a teachable moment for your children and others you come alongside. Start saving now even if it’s only a couple of dollars a week. You will be amazed at what Jesus can do when you operate in faithfulness. Remember, little is much in God’s economy.


  • What areas can you adjust so money can go to a savings account and an end-of-life plan?
  • What do you need to do differently to prepare for the here and now?
  • Consider starting a savings account for your children and teach them to put a certain percentage of their allowance towards it.

4 thoughts on “Preparing for a better future (CASM 21)

  1. Thank you so very much for this lesson! I do believe in preparing for the future and my end of life preparations. I too have explained to many that I have come alongside with, the importance of preparation. I found this blog very impactful and important. I hope people this wise and cautious information that you put forth in such a eloquent way. We all need to understand the importance of needs, wants and desires over purposeful planning. Thank you again for your weekly blogs. I tried to read them often although I have been lax in keeping up, however the blogs that I do read have impacted my life in such a purposeful and positive way! Keep walking in your purpose.

    1. Michelle, That is wonderful news that you encourage others to be better prepared. Sharing solid and biblical information is very important for our growth and development. Thank you for taking the time to read the blog!

  2. This is a great topic!! Something we all need to discuss on a regular basis. However, I will admit that I am a VERY good planner and have my affairs in order BUT one area I could use a little work on is buying things just because they are on sale. Even if it’s something I can’t use, I will spend time thinking of who could use it. If I can’t think of anyone on the spot sometimes I will make the purchase anyway and wait until a person comes to mind.

    I am delighted to say that as I make this confession on the world wide web (lol) I am realizing that I can put that money to better use, even though it may only be a few bucks.

    Thank you for putting this at the forefront of my mind!!

    1. Lisa, Thank you for being open and honest. I have bought things on sale many times and didn’t need them. It’s about making wise decisions to help us plan for those things that are really important.

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