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The command center (CASM 8)

The mind is the command center and it brings forth the meditation of our hearts. It’s where thoughts are examined, pondered, and given life. I don’t believe we grasp the magnitude and power that the mind has. Thoughts are ignited and aid in fueling the mind, in seconds our mood can go from good to bad. If not careful and checked our minds can lead us down dark and devastating paths. What we choose to meditate on is being cultivated and manifested in our words and actions.

Imaginary scenario

Have you ever created a whole scenario in your mind about an incident that has not yet occurred? For example, you are anticipating having a conversation or meeting with someone and you are preparing your responses. If they say this, I’ll say that, or if they do this, I’ll do that. You get yourself worked up ready to attack and the encounter is pleasant and sweet. Your mind had you behaving like a beast.

Proverbs 25:28 sums it up that if you have no rule over your own spirit you are like a city that is broken, and without walls. You will not be useful, purposeful and you are incapable of functioning in a kingdom capacity. You must have self-control over your thoughts. Make it a priority to get quiet and listen to the Holy Spirit before you react. He is always speaking, teaching, and comforting. Our enemy the devil plants seeds of doubt, bitterness, anger, resentment, and uses our past against us. He antagonizes us and now we are listening and getting instruction from someone who is not our heavenly father.

Meditation of our hearts

Our minds can have us in a rage because we are intensely mulling over the negative, hurtful, or impossible aspects. Praise God our minds can flip to the other side. We can meditate on the positive, meaningful, and possible aspects and have peace. This can only be accomplished by God’s power because our mind is not always on our side. I regularly ask the Lord to be commander and chief of my mind and that the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in His sight.

We sometimes face tough circumstances but it takes effort on our part to ensure we have a sound command center. Joshua 1:8 KJV comes to my mind when thinking about the results I want. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. God has put a huge emphasis on the scriptures, Why? His words are the only words that can transform an impossible mindset into a mind that loves, forgives is merciful, and compassionate.








People sometimes are not on our side  

When you are going through something, sometimes the worst thing is when people are feeding you information about the situation. You’re trying to distance yourself and heal and they keep opening the wound. Your mind goes back and replays the details of the event over and over again, you’re on fire!

You must make sure you are surrounding yourself with people that have great intentions. People that have your best interest and wellbeing in their hearts. Individuals that you can be honest with and say I’m not strong enough to hear that and they stand down. They look to be a help, not a hindrance. Your healing is a priority to them and they genuinely and sincerely want you to achieve it. 

Boundaries are necessary for the sake of your mind to be able to hear clearly and precisely the words of the Holy Spirit. No need to be sorry for placing God-inspired boundaries on guarding your heart. No shame in limiting and drawing the line in the sand on counterproductive interactions.


Sometimes we don’t want to admit that music, television, text, podcasts, videos, social media rule over our minds. These influences create mind pictures. They don’t necessarily have to be bad pictures but if we are honest a lot of them are questionable. After you engage in these influences STOP, and ask yourself if these influences are improving or sabotaging your progress.

In conclusion

Police your own heart to ensure you’re not welcoming conversations and activities that will negatively impact your mind. You have to take charge and accountability for what you meditate on. God has given you the greatest tool, His Word. Utilize the Bible in every area of your life to bind the devil. Safeguard your heart and mind so you can discern and make godly decisions. As you are protecting your mind, be mindful to protect others. Make sure you are not the catalyst being used to sow seeds of dysfunction.


  • How is the status of your mind?
  • Are there any boundaries you need to put in place?
  • How are the minds of your loved ones?
  • How can you help them?
  • Search the Bible for scriptures about the heart and mind.

2 thoughts on “The command center (CASM 8)

  1. This is great!! One thing I’m trying to be more cautious of is starting conversations that will open the wounds of others. Especially if it’s someone close to me and I know part of their story that inflicted pain upon them.

    I remember eons ago when I was coming back to Christ, someone close to me went out of their way to give me all the 411 on my ex….. knowing he deeply broke my heart. Then one day I had to tell them to stop!! I let them know I am trying to close that chapter of my life and that’s not helping me!! My speaking gave them a different perspective and I don’t think they ever mentioned him again. With that being said, I hope if I am unknowingly opening anyone’s wounds, they would have the courage to speak up.

    1. Lisa, That is great that you are being mindful about not wanting to open the wounds of others. It can be so hurtful and a horrible reminder and certainly not good for our minds. Thank you for sharing your experience!

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