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The younger you (CASM 5)

No matter what age you currently are there was a younger you that affects where you are today. Choices others have made for us or that we have made, are part of our history and makeup. It’s a huge part of the women we have become. Going forward, it is vital to remember that actions get reactions, and what you do today affects your tomorrow.

Choices, decisions, and actions

Damaging choices and decisions/actions made by my parents and other authorities that were influential in my childhood left scars. These acts are still engrained in my memory as a full-grown woman. On occasion, the little girl in me breaks down as she reflects on her past. Those damaging choices/actions by others influenced my reactions to choices/actions that were set before me. As I stated in my first post, I am accountable for my disobedience. Take note, when you are an authority over someone you are responsible for what is being cultivated in them.

Being a parent is nothing to take lightly. Do you ever think about how Jesus’ earthly parents behaved? Did they disrespect each other and call each other names in front of him? Were they physically abusive? Did they bring outside influences into their marriage? Did drunkenness rule the day? Although they were flawed as any other human. In my opinion, I am extremely comfortable in saying ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Asking questions

This brings me to my previous post Ask yourself why (CASM 4). The strong desire for marriage and children can cause us to rush the decision and overlook red flags. You need to first ask yourself some tough questions and answer them honestly. The future of your children and grandchildren depends on it. Why do I feel the need to get married? Have I prepared myself to be a wife? Am I behaving as a Christian in my singleness? What is in my past that has me bound? Am I running/hiding from anything? What hurt me as a child/teenager? What do I want to do differently? How am I going to do it differently? Who’s going to hold me accountable? Future husbands should answer these questions as well.

You must take this seriously because marriage and children are some of the heaviest responsibilities you will carry. Take the time to confront your past and those issues that have you in bondage. The cycle will begin again almost guaranteed for your children because that’s what you will have passed on to them. The things engrained in their memory in most cases are what they will repeat because they don’t know a better way.

Future endeavors

You may be divorced or widowed and considering a second marriage. The same process applies to you. Are you seeking the husband that God desires or are you lonely and just want someone in your bed? If it is the latter and you think you’re lonely in your singleness. It’s worse laying next to a man that has no desire for the things of the Lord. Trying to persuade him to go to church, read the Bible, and pray with you that’s lonely.

If you are considering having more children that is a blessing. Be mindful of your reasons for bringing that child into the world. If you think it will fix an already bad situation, that’s not fair and it’s hurtful to the child. Make sure your motives are right because they will have a lifetime effect on generations to come.

In conclusion

Your choices impact the Christian community even though you may not realize it or didn’t sign up for the responsibility. Christian, your life is not your own. It belongs to Jesus and He called us to a biblical standard, choose to walk in it. This does not only apply to marriage and children it applies to your job, the church you attend, the company you keep the list is limitless. What you do today not only affects you, it influences the people that have come alongside you. They are gleaning from you and modeling themselves after you. Let them see you calling on Jesus.


  • What are you dismissing, sweeping under the rug to cater to your needs at the expense of your loved ones or future loved ones?
  • Write down questions or use the questions from above and answer them honestly.

2 thoughts on “The younger you (CASM 5)

  1. Wow….so powerful!! These are scenarios that should be taken into great consideration! This highlights my need to be mindful of my motives when I develop a desire for something.

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