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Expecting a 180-degree turn (CASM 27)

I have mentioned this before and will continue to mention it about a horrible mistake some Christians make by encouraging our young people to explore. Not too long ago this again was a topic of conversation. Dating in the wrong context and testing the waters to see what they like and don’t like. Insinuating that waiting, settling down, commitment and love are somehow old-fashioned and not Bible. That they have plenty of time before they consider a serious relationship, but now is the time to live it up. When they get into their thirties we expect them to do a 180 and become responsible, well-mannered, well-adjusted, contributing adults to society. We give more information, time, and care to people that are buying a new car or refrigerator than we give directions on how to navigate and avoid pitfalls.

We encourage them to throw everything to the wind. Defile their bodies, build unhealthy, ungodly relationships, and come out on the other side with no bruises. Where in the Bible does Jesus encourage that? Where in the Bible does He encourage Christians to teach that? There are the world’s standards and God’s standards. Which one are you promoting? You may not be able to stop them from choosing to fornicate or any other sin, but you can choose to stand with God on the issues even though it is not popular.

Sin on a platter

People are going to make some ungodly choices on their own. We shouldn’t hand them sin on a platter and encourage them to indulge in it. Sometimes Christians become lax in their commitment to the things of the Lord by putting an emotional twist on it. They forget they have to stand before the MOST HIGH and give an account for altering the Word of God. You may not be encouraging someone to engage in sex and think you are in the clear. Open the Bible and call sin what God calls sin. Half obedience is full disobedience according to the Bible. God called Moses to speak to the rock, instead, he hit the rock and missed out on the promised land. He was still greatly used, but his disobedience cost him a great blessing, Numbers 20.

Are you teaching how to manipulate people or the system? How to lie, steal, and cheat to get what you want. There is no such thing as a little white lie, you are a liar if you lie. How about you don’t have to listen or obey your parents. Laziness, taking the Lord’s name in vain or filthy communication, bitterness, envying, pride, anger, haughtiness, and gossiping. You also may be thinking I don’t tell anyone to do those things. You may not verbalize it, but your actions scream disobedience. These are the patterns that are being developed and instilled in them. Now, we are disappointed and embarrassed because they continue to act out what was encouraged or don’t make that 180 quick enough.

Bible truth

Christian, we must first recognize in our own life if we stand on the Bible truth before we can confidently and boldly share it with others. This goes beyond salvation, it’s about your lifestyle and true attitude towards God’s standards. When people are mocking us, do we coward in the corner with shame because we believe in Christ? Do we turn from God? When loved ones shun us and won’t allow us to play in their sandbox. Can we shake it off and continue serving the Lord wholeheartedly and with love in our hearts? Go deeper in your walk with the Lord. Psalm 139:23 KJV Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: This is true surrender to the Lord where you allow God to show you those dark, diseased places in your heart and you run towards Him not away.

If we are honest

If we are honest about our acts of disobedience they wreaked havoc on our lives, families, dreams, goals, etc. Yes, we survived but got beat up by life because we chose a path outside of God. Why do we want to pass those behaviors on to our loved ones and those we come alongside? Some things just should not be repeated. Life in and of itself is challenging and throws curve balls without any additional help from us. Sharing these acts and how the Lord mended our life can and will help someone in the future. Being honest about our shortcomings is a great testimony of God’s power despite us and our best efforts.

In conclusion

How about not putting these young people in a position that they would have to make a 180. Let our behavior and attitudes be in tune with Jesus that they will delight in wanting to get to know our Lord. I am aware that there are other outside influences, but greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world, 1 John 4:4. Don’t abandon your responsibility to this generation, and remember some of you have children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews staring you right in the face.


  • Have you put someone in a postion of needing to make a 180? Are you in position that you need to make a 180 back to God in some area?
  • Where do you stand on Bible truth?
  • Humble yourself so you can receive God’s enlightenment and blessings.

8 thoughts on “Expecting a 180-degree turn (CASM 27)

  1. WOW…. this is a heavy hitter! Sometimes we don’t even realize how are actions can be a stronger influence than the words that may or may not come out of our mouths. This is a reminder to make sure everything fiber of my being exemplifies Christ.

  2. So many young persons are looking for acceptance and are trying to find their way in this dark world. Many are seeking satisfaction and modeling their lives after celebrities, social media personalities, fake gods etc.) and then find themselves lost. I feel like one of the greatest things we can do as Christians is to model Christ; not in a judgmental way but through love, patience, direction, support and encouragement.

    1. Darla, I completely agree that outside influences can have a huge impact on people of all ages. That’s why it’s extremely important for Christians to model Christ so we don’t loose them to the world. Thank you so much for your comment!!!

  3. I also wanted to add that many are turning to illicit drugs and feel as though since marijuana has been legalized in many places that using it is okay which is promoting a false sense of self and keeping these people in a mentally unstable cloud.

  4. Thank you for these truths and points Carol!
    It is a dark world we live in here on earth. You point out a great picture of what we need to do! People are watching!
    I feel this conviction in my own home. When I read this post.
    I have little eyes watching my every move! And that’s not a bad thing!
    My kiddos literally mimic things they see and pick up on and it’s so convicting to be cautious and careful of my own mouth and actions! God has a way of doing that.

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